Source code for pyana.examples.gp_xfac

import logging, argparse, os, sys
import numpy as np
from collections import OrderedDict
from ..ccsgp.ccsgp import make_plot
from .utils import getWorkDirs, checkSymLink
from ..ccsgp.utils import getOpts

shift = {
  'STAR Au+Au : 0.3 - 0.75 GeV': 1.06, 'STAR Au+Au : 0.2 - 0.6 GeV': 1.12

[docs]def gp_xfac(): """example using QM12 enhancement factors - uses `gpcalls` kwarg to reset xtics - numpy.loadtxt needs reshaping for input files w/ only one datapoint - according poster presentations see QM12_ & NSD_ review .. _QM12: .. _NSD: .. image:: pics/xfac.png :width: 450 px :ivar key: translates filename into legend/key label :ivar shift: slightly shift selected data points """ # prepare data inDir, outDir = getWorkDirs() data = OrderedDict() # TODO: "really" reproduce plot using spectral data for file in os.listdir(inDir): info = os.path.splitext(file)[0].split('_') key = ' '.join(info[:2] + [':', ' - '.join([ str(float(s)/1e3) for s in info[-1][:7].split('-') ]) + ' GeV' ]) file_url = os.path.join(inDir, file) data[key] = np.loadtxt(open(file_url, 'rb')).reshape((-1,5)) data[key][:, 0] *= shift.get(key, 1) logging.debug(data) # shown if --log flag given on command line # generate plot nSets = len(data) make_plot( data = data.values(), properties = [ getOpts(i) for i in xrange(nSets) ], titles = data.keys(), # use data keys as legend titles name = os.path.join(outDir, 'xfac'), key = [ 'top center', 'maxcols 2', 'width -7', 'font ",20"' ], ylabel = 'LMR Enhancement Factor', xlabel = '{/Symbol \326}s_{NN} (GeV)', yr = [0.5, 6.5], xlog = True, gpcalls = [ 'format x "%g"', 'xtics (20,"" 30, 40,"" 50, 60,"" 70,"" 80,"" 90, 100, 200)', 'boxwidth 0.015 absolute' ], labels = { 'STAR Preliminary': [0.5, 0.5, False] }, lines = { 'x=1': 'lc 0 lw 4 lt 2' } ) return 'done'
if __name__ == '__main__': checkSymLink() parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() #parser.add_argument("initial", help="country initial = input subdir with txt files") parser.add_argument("--log", help="show log output", action="store_true") args = parser.parse_args() loglevel = 'DEBUG' if args.log else 'WARNING' logging.basicConfig( format='%(message)s', level=getattr(logging, loglevel) ) print gp_xfac()