Source code for pyana.examples.gp_lcltpt

import os
import numpy as np
from ..ccsgp.ccsgp import make_plot
from .utils import getWorkDirs, checkSymLink
from ..ccsgp.config import default_colors

[docs]def gp_lcltpt(): """ example plot to display linecolors, linetypes and pointtypes .. image:: pics/gp_lcltpt.png :width: 450 px """ inDir, outDir = getWorkDirs() nSets = len(default_colors) make_plot( data = [ np.array([ [0,i,0,0,0], [1,i,0,0,0] ]) for i in xrange(nSets) ], properties = [ 'with linespoints lw 4 lc %s lt %d pt %d' % (col, i, i) for i, col in enumerate(default_colors) ], titles = [''] * nSets, yr = [-1, 51], name = os.path.join(outDir, 'gp_lcltpt'), ylabel = 'linecolor / linetype / pointtype', xlabel = '', ) return 'done'
if __name__ == '__main__': import argparse checkSymLink() parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() args = parser.parse_args() print gp_lcltpt()